It's Fits

One afternoon last week, Luke saw some footie pajamas in the laundry and wanted to try them on.  These are pajamas that Cat has outgrown but which are still much too big for Eliza.  When I put them on Luke he said, "Wook!  It's fits!  I'm gon' show Wiza."

Then we went out to the garage where Eliza was vacuuming the car (because she was literally throwing granola at Luke, who sits in front of her) and after showing Eliza the pajamas that "fit" him, he wanted to go for a ride in the stroller.  At one point during the ride, he said, "My foots is scraping the road," and I looked and saw that the foot of the pajamas was indeed hanging so low that it was dragging along on the sidewalk.  It wasn't bothering him, he just wanted to bring my attention to what was happening.  So cute.  But I'm not sure that I like how these pajamas make him look bigger...

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