I didn't knock on wood quite enough...

The alternate title for this post is "Opposition in All Things."

All winter we had friends who were getting sick with respiratory ailments or stomach bugs or other sicknesses but we had absolutely not problem with sickness.  Every time I admitted this, I would knock on wood.  And I would continue to express my gratitude to Heavenly Father for a healthy family, especially during the busy season of prepping to join MoTab.

Well, leave it until the week before General Conference when I had to be at rehearsals an hour earlier than normal and was overwhelmed with the amount of music I had to learn/memorize for sickness to hit.  But, thank goodness, the worst of the stomach bug lasted less than six hours.

When I was at rehearsal on Tuesday night (I left at about 4:30pm and got home at about 10:45pm), it hit Jack.  Hard.  Out of nowhere.  And poor Ben was trying to take care of dinner and bedtime and clean up unpleasant messes that were scattered throughout the house.  When I got home that night, Ben went to bed and I took care of Jack but he was mostly over it by then.  He stayed home from school the next day but didn't throw up anymore.  He was more tired than normal, of course, and it took about a day for his appetite to return, but other than that it was pretty much over by Tuesday night.

The next day, and the day after that, nobody showed any symptoms.  That is, until I left for choir on Thursday, at the same time as Tuesday, and the bug hit Eliza.  Now Ben was really earning his gold star.  The stand-out moment from this evening was when Eliza was on the couch and Ben had given her a throw-up bowl in case she needed it.  Well, she did need it.  But unfortunately, when she reached for it, Luke was sitting in it.  You can probably imagine the rest.

Like Jack, Eliza felt ill until about midnight or 1am but that was the worst of it.  She stayed home from school and rested and slowly regained her appetite and by Friday night she was singing and dancing and acting fine.

And I'm happy to report that nobody got sick during General Conference.

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