Memorial Day

On Memorial Day we attended our neighborhood activity, just like last year.  Things got kicked off with a bike parade, then a flag ceremony and some brief remarks, followed by breakfast and lots of activities for the kids.

We decorated the kids' bikes the day before, and they were all pretty excited for the bike parade, but unfortunately, Eliza only lasted for a minute or two before she completely lost it.

Jack and Eliza started out together...

But here's Jack (in the middle with blue & white balloons attached) without Eliza.

I don't know exactly why she got so upset, but I think it might have been
that everyone was going faster than she, and she felt left out.
(This is our babysitter's mom, Heather, trying to comfort Eliza.)

Yes, she was very upset.

And she refused to let go of her tricycle.

Jack is front & center.  He's now on a friend's scooter.

Cat in the red shirt in the center.

Jack, back on his tricycle.

Cat & Jack

Jack with our neighbors.

Eliza eventually stopped crying, but was never happy.
After a while I just took her home.

The rest of us had a really good time at the activity.  We chatted with friends, enjoyed the beautiful weather, and the kids played and played.  It was a wonderful feeling of belonging; a sense of community, surrounded by good people.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor Eliza. Sometimes the storm just has to blow away before the calm can come I guess. I love you Eliza!!


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