Cat's Theatrical Debut

The week we got back from Andy and Amy's wedding, Cat was in her school's Drama Club performance of "Character Matters," a cute little play about how we can learn about positive character traits from fairy tale characters.

At home - all ready to go.

Waiting for the performance to begin.

Not a bit of nervousness for Cat!

During the show.

I made video recordings of the parts Cat was involved in, but I'll warn you that they're really shaky.  We attended the school performance (the evening performance for parents was during the wedding weekend, so Cat's part was double cast) which means that we were sitting in the very back and I was using my zoom lens and I don't have a tripod yet.  So if you're feeling a bout of motion sickness coming on, I'd advise you to wait until that passes before you watch.

Cat's Speaking Part as Red Riding Hood:

Cat's Group Singing Part as a Golden Rule Singer:

The Big Finale:

Luke was there too, sleeping on and off.

I'm so glad Cat finally had the chance to be a part of a drama production, even one as simple as this one.  She did a great job of memorizing her lines, she wasn't at all nervous, and she really enjoyed the process.  And I thought she made a pretty cute Red Riding Hood.


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