Jack's Preschool Graduation

I could hardly believe it when the end of May arrived and it was time for the kids to finish the school year!  Jack's preschool class was over a week before Cat's school ended, so at least we were able to give each child some personal attention for the end of the year.

I hung out with Jack during his Water Day, the next-to-last day of school.  They had kiddie pools, spray bottles, water balloons, bubbles, water games, and more.  The kids had an absolute blast and I was so glad to be able to be there for that fun time.

Below is Jack with his teachers on the last day of school.  These women were wonderful, and I could tell that they genuinely cared about Jack.

A couple hours after we dropped Jack off, it was time to come back to school for the Graduation.  Really, it was more like a performance.  They showed a bunch of things they'd worked on during the year: songs, movements, nursery rhymes, instruments, and acting out a story.  Then we all watched a slide show together before the kids received a book of pictures from the year and enjoyed popsicles.

Waiting to get started.

The whole class with the main teacher on the left side.

I'll share with you one of the several video snippets from the performance.  Here is Jack as Mr. Alligator.  I love that he shows his personality, but he still follows instructions and never gets out of hand.

The end of the slide show.

One last hug.

We're so proud of our preschool graduate!


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