Pumpkin Patch (x's 2)

About a week and a half ago, the Spouse Association for the MBA program put together a little trip to Jaker's Jack-o-Lanterns, a local pumpkin patch.  This was a great place to take the kids to because they had tons of pumpkins at reasonable prices - which you could literally pick yourself out of the field, a hayride, a corn pit, a small petting zoo area, and fun stuff made out of bales of hay.  It was small, fun, and FREE.  I took Jack and Eliza there with the MBASA on Tuesday morning and we liked it so much that on Friday afternoon, our whole family went back. 

Jack wanted so badly to get to the top of the mountain-o-hay.  He couldn't quite climb the bales himself.

Then Makayla's Mom took mercy on him and helped the two of them up to the top.  Thanks!

He loved the corn pit, but apparently it was not to be enjoyed while shod.  But I don't blame him.    It's nice to  feel those dried kernels of corn between your toes.

Walking on top of the small hay-maze.  Still barefoot.

At first, Eliza tried to navigate the small hay-maze  by herself.

Then she resorted to climbing.

Llama llama having fun.
Sitting with goat in the sun.
Llama lama stays away.
With the kids he will not play.

Donkey's not as smart as Llama.
Now he deals with Jack-Jack drama.

Getting ready for our hayride.  Notice I'm at least holding Jack's shoes at this point.  I'm not completely negligent.

Some of the views during the hayride.

After the hayride, Jack decided that it was just too hard to keep those darn overalls on, plus it was getting warm outside.  So I'd like to title this picture, "Hay - who needs pants?"
I guess that's our cue to leave...

We came back on Friday, though, and Jack remained fully clothed the whole time, although he did not keep his shoes on. But I'm willing to compromise on that.

Nice goat.

"Hay!  We climbed to the top of the mountain!"

Eliza wanted to see what it was like to be part of a petting zoo.

Leaping into the corn pit.

Wandering into the pumpkin field.  Barefoot.

Ben helped Eliza navigate the little hay-maze.

Very nice goat.

"Hay!  We climbed to the top of the big maze!"

Cat chose, cut, and carried her own pumpkin.

Family picture, minus 1, as usual.
Good job not looking at the camera, Eliza.

Thanks for the fun times, Jaker!


  1. I loved the Spouse Association during Optometry School! We did TONS of things together and crazy enough we were ALL LDS...guess everybody else hadn't got married yet and those who had - their wives had jobs cause they didn't have kids yet.

  2. A) Your last two posts have been
    "about a week and a half" late.
    B) Jack just doesn't wear shoes. Nice corn between his toes or not. You should know that.
    C) Corn and Maize are the same thing.
    D) I liked your Llama Llama rhyme.
    E) I like the pix of Jack in his overalls, and love the pic of EJ climbing out of the maze. Nice photography!
    F) Cat looks so old.
    G) Ben should take some pix of you, instead. Or at least master the art of the self-shot.
    H) You're so Heavenly.

  3. What a wonderful pic of the beginning of the hayride. You look like a fancy model in a sleek fashion magazine - with two cute lil' cherubs by your sides:) I like the poems too:)

  4. Love Jack and his "No Shoes" policy. I have the same one! They look like they had a blast. That's awesome that the MBA program has an organization for the spouses! Cat looks to be quite the fashionista with her skirt and leggings/pants combo. Seriously- I can see her being a model one day. Miss y'all! (And love you! XOXO)

  5. I love Jack.

    I love that he defies clothing and footwear.

    I love that he knows instinctively how Heavenly Father intended us to experience this life: naked and barefoot!

    I'm so glad you guys are having fun! I miss you horribly!


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