Everyday Stuff, Part 3

I've really enjoyed putting together these Everyday Stuff posts!  This is the last one I have planned, but I'm sure I'll be doing more of them in the future.  I love having a place to share pictures that really provide glimpses into the wonderful random moments that make up our life.  So, enjoy!

Jack recently started going down the fireman's pole at the playground all by himself.
Scared some of the other Moms, but I knew he could handle it.

Eliza loves to "wear" her big brother's or sister's footie pajamas.
This made us think of an as-of-yet unknown species of dinosaur, the Elizasaurus.

Cat and Jack both like to help on pizza night.
Cat helps by putting on cheese and toppings and Jack helps with the clean-up.

While looking up a recipe online one Sunday afternoon, I stumbled upon a video tutorial about how to make a cucumber spiral .  I showed Cat the video, so of course she found a cucumber in the fridge that we could try it out on, and promptly garnished her water with it.  While wearing fairy wings.

Jack preferred to enjoy his cucumber the old-fashioned way.

Kix: Kid-Tested, Mother-Approved.

I really think one of the lesser-known joys of parenting is getting to see outfits like this on a regular basis.
It just makes my day!

Eliza has been Ben's football buddy this season.  Go Noles!

A pirate says ARRRRRRRR.

Cat, turned Monkey.

Eliza doesn't like to go to Nursery during Church, and she makes Sunday School and Relief Society miserable for me.  So we spent quite a bit of time outside one Sunday, enjoying the warm weather.  Eliza decided to try my shoes out for a while, then abandoned them in the parking lot in favor of emptying my purse.

Sometimes when you read Book of Mormon Stories to your child, she listens attentively.

Then with no warning at all, she turns into a zombie.

One of the highlights of Jack's week: seeing the garbage man picking up the trash.  Thank goodness for a great view from a big window!  This was a particularly welcome bit of excitement on a sick day last week.

Came home the other night to this sweet scene in my bed.
What is it about sleeping children that just melts my heart??


  1. It's what keeps us from abandoning them on chilly hill sides when they act like holy terrors.

    It's why, on hard days, I make myself go in and watch the Boy sleep for a while...it reminds us that it's worth it.

    2) Holy CAT! How in the HECK did she get OUT of that tree?! I seriously would have needed the fire department to bring me a ladder.

  2. It took me a while to find Cat in that tree! Aunt Cleo says her favorite childhood pastime was climbing trees. I just love seeing the children in these everyday photos and your captions. Makes me feel like I am there with you all:)
    I'd love to take turns with you and Eliza on Sundays so you could go to a class of some sort:)
    Thanks for sharing!


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