Apple Pickin'

About a month ago, we thought it was time to pick apples from the 2 trees in our backyard.
They tasted fine, but it turns out, we were picking them too early.  (They are even better now.)  Of course, we still had fun picking apples for the first time!

For some reason, whenever I pick a few apples for us from the tree, the kids are dying to eat them right there in the backyard.  If I bring them in, wash them off, and cut them up, they are completely uninterested.  What is that about?  So our kids have eaten lots of apples straight from the tree, with just a quick wipe-off on Mom's shirt.  Works for me.


  1. I really like the 'one shoe on, one shoe off, helmet on, eatin' on the ladder'. The apples look good too!

  2. No offense to the kids, but it looks like Ben is doing all the picking....


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