The Disco Tree

We went straight from Cat's last basketball game of the season to go choose a Christmas tree.  Luke was really excited about one, and we planned to buy it, until we found it was $10 more than a bunch of other trees.  In the end, we went with a cheaper one.  And Luke is still disappointed.

We got to work setting up and decorating the tree as soon as we got home, and it turned out pretty great.  Jack misses the train we used to have that went around the bottom of the tree (it died after a couple of years) so he decided to get out the Thomas toys and set a train up around the tree just because.  Luke jumped on board right away and was more interested in the train than the ornaments.

When you tell your tweenager to look happy while she's putting an ornament on the tree...
this is what you get.  Tree-hugger.

When Luke and I were out recently we saw a bunch of stuff labeled FREE on the side of the road.  We stopped to check it out and Luke spotted three bags of gold ball ornaments and really wanted to bring them home for our tree.  We finally put some of the balls on the tree the other day, and Luke was so glad.  His comment when we were finished was something to the effect of, "It looks like a little disco!"  I think he was trying to compare a sparkly ball ornament to a disco ball, but it was still completely unexpected and so cute.

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