Emoji Day

Our most recent Spirit Day for Jack and Eliza was a new one: Emoji Day.  Students at their school were allowed to wear non-uniform clothes as long as they had an emoji of some kind.  My kids don't own any clothes with emojis on them, but we figured we could make our own.  And since I've been really good at doing things ahead of time these days, Jack and Eliza started working on their emojis about 15 minutes before they needed to go to school.  But they got them ready and I think they turned out pretty great, especially considering the last-minute nature of the projects.

Both of them took their own spin on existing emojis, Eliza creating a double-kiss face directly on an extra camisole and Jack drawing a laughing/crying face on cardstock that we taped to his shirt using packing tape.

Luke was so excited about the emoji project that he wanted his own emojis.  He looked at my phone and decided we should make a sick one and an angry devil one.  We got out the construction paper, I drew the emojis, and he did most of the cutting.  Now they hang in a place of honor.

Happy Kissy/Happy-Crying/Sick/Angry Emoji Spirit Day!

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