Cat's Soccer Season, Part 2

Cat's first regular season game was two weeks after the Utah Cup, and Cat was able to play with no problem.  While it took some time for Cat to feel like she was back to normal, the injury never flared up or kept her from playing for the rest of the season.

The season went well for the team.  They won 5 of their 8 games, and of the games that they lost, they mostly felt like they could have won if they'd played better (meaning, the opposing teams weren't that much better).  Cat played well and enjoyed herself, and even scored a goal.

The following pictures were taken by the parents of one of Cat's teammates and I'm so grateful they shared.  They're obviously much better than what I was able to capture.

Playing with this team has helped Cat build up her skills, and see where she needs to improve.  She's felt like changing teams was the right thing to do soccer-wise, but she misses the friendships she had on her other team.  Hopefully she'll establish stronger connections as she continues to get to know her new teammates.

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