The Babyest Cousin

We got to spend last weekend with my 2-month old nephew and loved it!  My brother and his wife and my mom and grandparents were there too, but Sawyer was the star of the weekend.  Sorry, everyone else.

Sawyer & Daddy
Sawyer & Grammy

Sawyer & Opa

Sawyer & his favorite aunt

There we are again.

See, he likes me so much he insisted on us taking all of these pictures together.

The kids thought Sawyer was pretty special too.
One afternoon Jack wanted Cat to read him The Little Engine That Could
and the kids gathered around S so he could hear too.

Eliza loved just sitting and watching S.

She laid down on her tummy with her chin in her hands and admired his "karate" moves.

When I asked her if she wanted to come listen to a bedtime story, she said,
"No.  I just want to watch Sawyer."

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