Helping Hands

Last week I was grating a bar of soap to make laundry detergent (I highly recommend trying this if you haven't already - it's cheap, easy, and great for stocking up).  Luke saw what I was doing and wanted a turn, so I put the container down on the floor and let him work at grating the soap for a minute.  Soon, Eliza wanted a turn.

I managed to wrangle the soap away from Luke after a few minutes so that Eliza could have a turn.  While Eliza had her turn, Luke was chomping at the bit to get to grating again.  They grated enough to add a thin layer of dust to the small mound of soap shavings I'd begun.  I let the two of them take turns for a little while, then eventually managed to finish the grating myself, amid Luke's shrieks of disappointment.

Isn't it unfortunate that I consider this task a chore, but am able to complete it rather quickly, while the kids see it as novel and exciting, but would take years to finish grating one bar of soap?  I remember what it was like to be a child and think that "adult" tasks - such as assembling treat bags for favors or cutting out pictures for lessons - were fun instead of tedious.

I suppose it's all in your attitude.  I hope my children will continue to look forward to helping long enough to be really helpful.  And hopefully, letting them help out when they want to now will nudge them in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. What a good mama you are! It is amazing what the little ones find so fun.


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