Spring Choir Concert

Cat had her Spring Choir Concert in March, and it was awesome!
All of the songs on the program were centered on the national PTA theme for the year "A Quest for Success."  And it so happened, that almost all of them came from musical theater or movie soundtracks.  That's what I'm talking about!

1. "Seize the Day" from Newsies - during this song, the children walked from the stage and spread out all around the gym, while doing actions.  It was really touching, and I got a little misty eyed.  The fact that I LOVE this movie probably made a difference.  It was so fun to hear Cat and her friends singing it for 3 months!

2. "Dream Big" by Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband

3. "Anything You Can Do" from Annie Get Your Gun - this was another one close to my heart.  I really love this musical.  It's one of the first traveling Broadway productions I remember seeing, starring Merilou Henner, and I had a blast.  Cat came home from choir telling me they learned a new song, but she couldn't remember the name.  It was an "argument song."  I immediately asked if it was this one and she was so surprised that I knew it.  So before the concert, we had a little movie party at our house and invited two of Cat's choir friends to come over and watch the old version of Annie Get Your Gun with us.  Love it.

I made videos of most of the songs, and it was a little hard to choose which one to share, but in the end I think you'll like this rendition of "Anything You Can Do."  Notice that the boys were so outnumbered by girls that they mic'ed them. 

4. "Cascade Cougar" - the school song

5. "You've Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story

6. "Go the Distance" from Hercules

7. "Impossible Dream" from Man From La Mancha - I told one of Cat's choir friends that this song is older than his parents and he didn't believe me, haha.

Cat with her good friend Olivia

The school choir has been such a fun thing for Cat to be a part of this year!  
I love hearing her sing all of the songs she's learning, especially when she gets together with other choir members.  And you know what's super cool about the whole thing?  A volunteer directs the choir, including 2 morning rehearsals and 2 afternoon rehearsals (kids go to early or late depending on their school schedule) every week.  Thank you!!!


  1. Tell the volunteer director Cat's Mema thanks her also!!So grateful she can have these experiences.

  2. wow! that's amazing! yay for volunteer conductors! I would have been a bawling mess if my kid was singing that line up - sheesh! did I ever tell you I was in quite possibly the boringest version of Annie Get Your Gun when I was a freshmen? yep. I was Bored-to-Death Towns Person #15. It was baaaad :)


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