It's official. She's not a baby anymore.

By the time Jack turned 2, Eliza was 2 months old.  So, I feel like we've had a baby in our family for quite a while.  Honestly, it's strange to be in a baby-free zone right now.  And it's been a month and a half since Eliza's birthday, so looking back I feel like she really did begin a new little-kid phase right around the time she turned 2.  She really didn't want to be a baby anymore!

I don't remember Cat or Jack going through "terrible 2's" but I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing it with Eliza right now.  Right around her birthday she became more independent, more strong-willed, and more opinionated.  She wants to do things such as buckle herself into her carseat, which she isn't physically strong enough to do.  She refuses to put clothes on when she doesn't want to get dressed.  She screams at the top of her lungs if someone takes her toy, drinks from her cup, touches her the wrong way, gets to say the prayer when she wants a turn, invades her personal space, sits on "MY MOMMY!!"'s lap, or looks at her the wrong way.  Which means that since she has Jack for a brother, life has become much more exciting!

Eliza has also learned a lot over the last few months.  She is potty trained (I think I'll post more on that later), she can count to 10, she suddenly sings along with us (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is one of her favorites), she can open zip-top bags, she can put her shoes and some of her clothes on by herself, and she has an awesome vocabulary.

Despite the terrible 2's, Eliza is still a sweet and fun girl to be around.  She likes to be held, she loves to play with the big kids (as long as they don't cross her), and she is enjoying learning how to operate and be involved in the world around her.  I'm so thankful for this little girl in our family!


  1. Happy Birthday, Eliza!!!

    2. Wow. That's amazing. I love the photo with the cute info about her personality. don't be surprised if you see it pop up on my blog on Grace's second birthday....

    I keep telling Jonathan that I'd rather have strong willed children than wimpy children, but I'm pretty sure I'm all talk. Good luck with your little independent big girl!

  2. One day you'll be glad that she screams at the top of her lungs when someone touches her the wrong way.


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