Summer Piano Snapshot

 Luke doesn't like that he has to learn how to play the piano.

He tells me this often.

The other kids used to do this too, but I guess after years of having
their complaints go unheeded, they've decided to save their breath.

I wonder if Luke will be an outlier in this regard, and continue
demanding I let him quit for the next 6.5 years?

I do piano practice with Luke almot 100% of the time.
Here are some things I heard during a couple of practice sessions:

Do you know where the kids' phone is?  (to play a game)

I'm tired.  I want gravy.

Where is our little blue timer thingy?

What are you writing down?  Why are you writing down my questions?

Can I tap the tempo? (on the metronome)

Can we go to that place that had gummy bears that were made out of bread?

Why do I have to say the names of the notes during flashcards? Saying the names of the notes is boring and depressing and stupid.

This list might not make sense to any of my readers, but it's a sampling of the random things Luke brings up - the things he thinks about either because he got momentarily distracted or because he's looking for anything to occupy his mind other than piano. He'll suddenly want to tell me about things he's learning in school or what's going on with his friends. He complains that he's hungry or thirsty or tired or bored. He asks questions. He tells long stories. And he frequently tells me that he hates piano, and asks when he can stop taking lessons.

You can probably imagine that practicing when he's like this, which is most of the time, is difficult, and takes much longer than it should. But he's progressing! And as much as he protests, I suspect that deep, deep down, he actually likes it.

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