The Chicken Chronicles 8.21.20


Lots to report from this week!

The biggest news is that Ben and the kids went to a farming store to buy chicken supplies and ended up finding some unexpected - but essential - items.  That's right, they bought harnesses and leashes for the chickens.  This was more for the fun and entertainment of our family than the exercise and recreation of the chickens.  Jack and Eliza had visions of themselves taking the chickens on long walks around the neighborhood, and even attending Cat's soccer games with the girls in tow, but this was not meant to be.  As you can see in the below videos (and as you might have predicted), chickens do not enjoy being harnessed and leashed.  Our initial attempts were met with frustration, consternation, and outright refusal.  Some of the chickens even Houdini'd their way out of their harnesses, which we found impressive (and entertaining).

In other news...

This kids went back to school that week, and Jack's hybrid schedule meant he had more time to hang out with the chickens - the biggest perk of at-home learning days!  He and I witnessed Bandit trying to mate with a couple of the girls - obviously not fun for the hens - which prompted him to say, "Bandit! You have to be more gentlemanly!"

We've noticed that, exhibiting more dog-like behavior, Bandit crows more when people are around or when something exciting is going on.  And we've started to suspect that the chickens congregate by a corresponding window when they hear us talking in a certain room.  Must verify.

And lastly, Bandit was a constant companion for Suz while she was working on her camper the last three weeks of August.  He hopped into the camper a few times, and would keep an eye on the work going on outside.  He crowed loudly, and even attacked her a couple of times.  By the time the camper was finished, Suz and Bandit had come to an amicable understanding and parted way as friends.

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