Halloween Fun

Additional Halloween festivities included our ward party the Saturday before, complete with a costume parade, games/trick-or-treating in the back hallway, cookie decorating, and a movie.

Luke's favorite part about the party was that he got an entire can of fruit punch soda all to
himself.  And he had a pink spot on his Jedi tunic for the rest of the night to prove it.

Our whole crew - ready for the big costume parade.

Ant-Man looks on as Obiwan Kenobi challenges Kylo Ren.

On Halloween morning, Luke and I parked at the school right after dropping the kids off.  After having trouble parking on the days of previous Halloween parades, we wanted to be sure to have a spot that would allow a quick exit once the festivities were over.  So I put Luke in the stroller and we made a trip to a nearby grocery store, then walked over the library to check out a few books.  Then we went back to the school and I read the books to Luke while we waited for the parade to start.  It worked out great.  I chose to make a video instead of taking pictures of the parade this year, so here you go.  Look for the cutest of the Dorothys, the friendliest of the Obiwan Kenobis, and the tweenagerish of the Devils.

The parade stalled right behind us so I stood up to take a picture of Cat right after she'd walked by.
Here she is, pretending to not notice that I'm taking her picture.
P.S.  Isn't her teacher's costume so great?

When the parade was over, Luke and I went to Eliza's classroom to help with the class party.  I chose to put together a center for Mummy Races.  The idea was that we would divide each group into two teams, the rest of the team would mummify one person from their team using toilet paper, and the mummies would race each other.  Not surprisingly, almost all of the kids wanted to be mummified, so there wasn't much racing going on with the amount of time we had.  But they loved it anyway.  Next time, I'll just plan on wrapping up everyone and come up with a group activity like  "Who can do the most mummy-jumping-jacks?"  And I'll bring more than the 6 rolls I had this time.  It was barely enough - and we were wrapping very conservatively (read: sparsely).

Eliza had planned on being Dorothy this year (wearing the costume I made Cat 3 years ago)
but when a neighbor gave us a witch costume, complete with hat, about two weeks before Halloween,
Eliza was torn.  She ended up wearing the witch costume twice and the Dorothy costume once.

This is us after Eliza's classroom party.

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