
It was good vs. evil in our family this year.  The justice-and-balance-seeking galactic rebels took on the The Girls.  Cat wore her devilish scowl very well for the pictures, while Eliza was pretty quick to break character.  I think the boys just mostly enjoyed having an excuse to play with light sabers all evening.


Ben and I decided to join in the good/evil theme (the night of our ward party), but didn't adhere to the established gender roles.  Do you think Cat inherited her scowling skills from her dad?

"Don't you wanna be evil like me?"
Cat had fun being a devil and loved trick-or-treating with her friend,
who was dressed up as an angel.  She also particularly enjoyed getting
to wear eye makeup and having the ends of her hair sprayed red.

Jack was a great Obiwan Kenobi.

Cutest little witch.  And like her devilish counterpart, she really loved getting made
up - with purple sparkles and purple wash-out spray on the ends of her hair.

I have a feeling this might not be the only
Luke Skywalker costume Luke ever wears.

As I mentioned, Cat went trick-or-treating with a friend of hers, so Ben and I just walked around our neighborhood with the other three (leaving a bowl of candy for trick-or-treaters on our front porch, as is our custom).  Jack and Eliza practically ran from house to house, but did wait for Luke each time.  Luke kept an above-average-Luke pace, considering the slothlike movements he thinks qualify as "hiking."  It was fun to see and chat with so many of our neighbors (some of whom were dressed up), stop for pictures here and there, and even get invited in to play a round of Shoot The Ghoul With The Nerf Gun.  Very cool.

The younger three brought home enough candy, but not an overwhelming amount.  We don't have a very big neighborhood and Luke didn't even make it to all of the houses before he decided to stay home with Ben and give out more candy.  Jack and Eliza did make all the rounds but Jack was tired enough to be ready to quit when we were only about 85% done.  But they were happy enough with their little collections.

Cat, on the other hand, particularly likes trick-or-treating with this friend of hers because they go to the friend's grandparents' neighborhood, which is known as one of Those neighborhoods.  Cat's cut of the winnings weighed over 6 pounds.  Granted, that included a couple of cans of soda, but still.  It was a lot of candy.  Probably as much as the other three kids' candy combined.

Don't worry, though.  As of this writing, we have made significant progress in our efforts to rid the house of candy.  I'd say over half of it is gone now.  The kids have done most of the work, but Mom and Dad have helped too.  We all have to do our bit, that's what I say.

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