The Super Speedy Quick Running Club

I decided recently that it makes too much sense for the kids to go running with me for them to not go running with me.  Did you follow that?  They're fast, they enjoy running, they are interested in sports that involve running, and it's a great way for us to spend time together and enjoy a healthy activity.

But they've never been interested.  So, I decided to resort to bribery.  And by bribery, I mean a new family tradition.  It's called Go Running With Mom Then Get a Treat!

As expected, the kids weren't interested until the treat was mentioned.  But once they were on board, Cat and Jack agreed to get up and run with me on Saturday morning.  We went to the Provo River Parkway Trail and I asked them if they wanted to run two miles or three (since we'd completed 3 miles when we ran the Temple to Temple 5k back in July).  They both wanted to start with two miles.  So I turned on my newly-downloaded running app, and off we went.  We didn't push it too much.  Jack would tire out quickly, so after jogging for a minute or two, we would slow down and walk, and so it went until we reached a mile and turned around to jog/walk back to the car.  Imagine how proud we were of ourselves when we realized that we'd completed two miles in about 18 minutes - even with our walking/jogging pace!

The next Saturday, Jack wasn't interested in going with us - treat and all - but Eliza was, so the three of us girls set out to do another two miles.  This time we started at the parking lot for Bridal Veil Falls and stopped for a picture in front of the waterfall.

Once again, we did a combination of walking and jogging, but Eliza actually kept a slightly better pace than Jack, and we made an even better time that day.  Man, we are good! I thought.

It wasn't until later that day that I was looking at the app on my phone and realized that when I'd downloaded it, it was set to metric measurements by default.  So, we'd run two KILOMETERS, not two miles.  Which means we'd gone about 1.25 miles in the time I thought we'd completed two miles.

They'll be in for a bit of a surprise when we actually go the whole two miles next time...

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