Provo Pioneer Village

We visited Provo's Pioneer Village with some friends one Friday afternoon after school and had a great time.  I was impressed by the number of original buildings and artifacts they have in the little village, and the kids enjoyed seeing the things there and learning about life in early Provo.

One of the first cabins built in the area.

Eliza had a blast washing rags with the wash board.

We spent a long time watching this blacksmith make a spoon.

Cat came close to mastering the stilts in the schoolyard.

Cat and her friend carried all the kids around in a handcart.

Jack and Eliza were competing in a teddy bear race activity on the side of the original Edgemont schoolhouse.

Afterward, I asked the kids what their favorite part of the visit was.  Their response?  "The giant squash!"  You see, there is a garden next to the fence you walk beside when you approach the entry gate, and we found an enormous squash in the garden hiding under the leaves, just inside the fence.  I pointed it out to the kids on the way in, and they wanted to see it again on the way out.

Who needs a blacksmith and a handcart and Pioneer games and Brigham Young's kettle when you have giant squash?

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