The Other PI Day

We jumped on the Pi Day bandwagon a while ago, enjoying pie (whether it be of the dessert variety of the pizza variety) on 3/14.  But in our family we also have PI Days.

Parent Interview (PI) Days happen on Sundays, ideally once a month, and Ben and I take turns talking to the kids one-on-one.  We started this about a year and a half ago and were consistent for a while but then got out of the habit.  This year I'm resolved that we will make sure that it happens every month.

As a dedicated parent, I embrace the reality that all good things are made better with sugar.  Thus, on PI Days, we eat pie.  My vision when we started this was that we would vary our pie choice each month, trying different flavors and combinations, but whenever I would introduce a new pie, I was met with disappointment and frustration because there is just One Pie my family Loves.  So, for now I will probably continue to make Peanut Butter Fudge Pie, which is fine too.  It is pretty yummy.  (The recipe can be found at the bottom of this post.)

Tonight I interviewed Eliza and she said some of the sweetest things.  I asked her about the things that are going well in her life and she first said that she likes playing with her siblings, then she said, "You're always here when I need you." I love that.  I love that I am here for her most of the time, and I love that she recognizes that that is a blessing. Later on she said, "You and Daddy are the specialist things in my whole entire life."  Sweet sweet sweet.

Ben interviewed Cat and Jack and had good talks with them as well, and he was smart enough to use the pattern found in this General Conference Talk as his model.

I'm so glad we're re-establishing this habit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, My! My heart swells with gratitude for you and Ben and the good things you do! How could this meme be so blessed???/ Thank you.


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