It's not on any chart. You must find it with your heart.

I have a good friend who bought tickets to take her family to see Peter Pan at the Utah Children's Theater but was unable to go, so she gave the (5) tickets to us.  Luke was too young to attend and the play was during his nap anyway.  Ben was happy to stay home with Luke so he could sleep, and Jack opted to join the other males of the family, so we had two tickets to offer to my sister-in-law and niece.  We had a great time!  (Though, admittedly, my girls and I were disappointed that it was not the musical version.)

I'm so thankful that my kids like a lot of the same things I do.  It's wonderful to be able to share these experiences and make memories.  I am loving this phase of life where my kids are becoming old enough to enjoy and appreciate things that are bit more mature.

SIDE NOTE: Cat and I had a wonderful date to the symphony a few months ago.  Now I'm wondering what the right age would be to introduce her to opera?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so glad! I can still remember my first introduction to ballet at an amphitheater in Washington when I was 9. So glad you live in a place where these things are available and 'the girls' can experience them.


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