The Happenings of the Younger Half

On Monday, Eliza and Luke dumped about a cup of baby wash in their bath.  They had a blast and not only were they quite clean when they were finished, much of the bathroom was too.

Later in the week, in the course of a conversation we asked Luke if he was a girl.  His response: "I not a guhl.  I a man."

Yesterday after school, Eliza quizzed us on whether the following animals hibernate or migrate.  I admit that she stumped us on some of them.  Did you know that lizards hibernate, and zebras and giraffes migrate? 

This morning I moved all of the chairs into the family room so that I could clean the kitchen floor.  Naturally, Luke wanted to use them as a fort.  So we threw a blanket over them, I found him a little flashlight, and he was quite content.  When Eliza finished doing her daily reading to me, she joined him in the fort and read some books to him, which was particularly great because he usually doesn't prefer that she read to him.  While they were reading (and playing with stickers) I got the whole kitchen floor clean.  Win win win. 

THEN Luke hung out with Eliza during her fun Skype session with a good friend who lives in Illinois.  This turned out to be the exploratory meeting for a now firmly established 5 Year Old Book Club.  Because, as Eliza pointed out the other day, both Cat and I have a book club and she wanted one too.  Well, she made it happen.  We'll see where it goes.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, she looks like Catherine! So glad she and Luke could have this time together. They are precious.


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