Mommy & Me + Chuck E. Cheese

Our kids earn tallies (literally just marks on the family calendar) with good behavior.  When they reach 100, they get to have a Mommy or Daddy date.  Eliza earned her date recently and chose to go to Chuck E. Cheese with me.  I usually leave the video game-oriented activities to Ben, but I went along with Eliza because she wanted me to.  She loved getting to play the games and just hang out, and didn't even begrudge the fact that after spending $10 on tokens we literally earned only 50 tickets, which we exchanged for two pitiful notebooks as Eliza's "prizes."

It was great to get to do something fun just with Eliza, though, and I'm glad we had that time together.  She really is such a sweet, happy, and fun little girl.

I texted this picture of Eliza playing an Army-shooting-type
game to Ben and said, "This is so not my thing." :-) 

Pedaling to make the animal go 'round.

1 comment:

  1. Bless her heart. She is 'Queen of the video machines' today. So glad she earned this and you could do it.


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