As a Child

(A posed picture for a project I worked on last year.)
We've been trying to teach Jack about prayer for a while.  He had a short cover-all-the-bases prayer he recited most of the time and we would frequently remind him about what is appropriate to include in your prayers.  Several weeks ago, a light went on.  I'm not sure if he just figured it out on his own or if it was the result of a conversation at home or a lesson at church, but his prayers suddenly became more sincere and specific.  He would ask that the summer would come really quickly because he's so excited to go fishing with Papa.  He would ask that school be canceled tomorrow.  He would ask that we could have dinner at McDonald's.  Etc., etc., etc.

One night last week after laying down with him at bedtime for a few minutes, I told him that I needed to go return a movie to Redbox before the 9pm deadline.  He asked me to check on him when I got back, which I agreed to, then I left.  When I got home I went downstairs to check on Jack as I'd promised and Jack told me that his prayer had been answered.  He'd asked that I would be able to get back safely.  Then he told me that his prayers can fix everything.

Our natures must be changed to become as a child to gain the strength we must have to be safe in the times of moral peril. ... I know that by acting on our faith in Him we can be cleansed and changed to become pure and strong, as a little child.
                               - President Henry B. Eyring, "As a Child," April 2006 General Conference

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