Eliza's First (Official) Crazy Hair Day

Last week was Hair Week at Eliza's preschool.  They set up a hair salon, styled mannequins' hair, got their hair done by a beautician parent, and the week culminated in Crazy Hair Day on Friday.  Eliza came home from school on Thursday with a picture of what she wanted her hair to look like:

Yes, she wanted a purple mohawk.  And she was very unhappy when I told her that we would not be purchasing hair dye for the purpose of Preschool Crazy Hair Day and that it was impossible to put her hair in a mohawk because it was simply too long.  She said we should cut her hair.  If not all of her hair, we should at least cut the part straight down the middle so that we could spike it up.  I infuriated her further by telling her that we would not be cutting her hair for the purpose of Preschool Crazy Hair Day.

She REALLY wanted her hair to stick out.  I suggested that we put little braids all over her hair and that they would stick out.  She finally agreed to this, but the plan morphed once we got started.  She let me put little rubber bands in the front half but decided not to do any more than that, and not to do any braiding.  So I gathered all of the little ponytails and made one bigger ponytail on top of her head and let it stick up as much as it could.

When she came to the car after preschool she said it was the Best Day Ever!  I breathed a huge sigh of relief then took the kids straight to a park to play and run around and just enjoy the beautiful weather.  As soon as we got there, Eliza wanted me to take all of the rubber bands out.  This was not a fun process, and by the time we were finished she was in tears and exclaimed that she never wants to have Crazy Hair Day ever again.

I think I'll second that.


  1. Wow, you are a patient parent. Glad you could help her through this one:)

  2. Next time rat it up really big with a comb! We had pajama day during Homecoming Week my Senior year and mine was only shoulder length...I got it so big I could barely get in the car, it was great!


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