The Big 0-5

Eliza had great birthday!  It ended up being a day of Mom breaking many of her food rules (Frosted Sugar Bites for breakfast?  Sure.  Boxed Mac & Cheese AND Cheetos for dinner?  Why not.) but I didn't mind too much - one good thing about being a bit of a stickler most of the time is that the kids really appreciate it when I back off.  Eliza told EVERYONE that she was having macaroni and cheese for her birthday dinner.  "The kind my Dad makes.  Not the kind my Mom makes."  Our pediatrician may or may not have referred to it as "yellow death."  Hmm....

Anyway, she had a fun day.

See?  Kellogg's FROZEN sugary cereal for breakfast.
And since I was trying to get some sleep the night before, I draped streamers on
the table instead of hanging them up.  Eliza was puzzled about their placement,
and by lunch time she had directed my efforts to properly hang the streamers.

I asked Eliza if she'd rather go to story time at the library or go to Krispy Kreme
for free doughnut day.  She chose the doughnut.  Sugary treat #2 of the day.

I brought birthday treats to Eliza's class for snack time and saw everyone sing
to her.  For snack, she chose large chocolate chocolate chip cookies, apple
slices, and Capri Suns.  Sugary treat #3.

The only things Eliza would tell me she wanted for dinner were "the macaroni and cheese
out of a box that Dad makes" and Cheetos puffs.  I insisted on a fruit and a vegetable.
After quite a bit of thought, she chose strawberries and carrots.  Oh, and root beer.

Eliza wanted a Frozen cake, so we looked at some simple ideas online and decided
on one I thought I could pull off.  The green "ice" candy was supposed to be blue.
I think it was a mistake to a few drops of brown vanilla extract for flavor...
Also, the back completely came off of the cake.  But Eliza didn't seem to mind.
Sugary treat #4 (earned by eating The Junkiest Dinner Ever).

We saved the presents for last, and it worked out well to end on a high note.
Eliza was having a down afternoon between the chaos of getting the cake ready
and helping Cat and Jack with piano and homework, and Luke kept hitting Eliza
over and over again.  She was just sure that her birthday was a bust.  But after a yummy
dinner, fun cake, and wonderful presents, she told us it was the best birthday ever.

1 comment:

  1. Love that little 5 year old! Thanks for letting her have a truly sugary favorite birthday, one she surely will remember.


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