Taking After His Father

It bothers me that my blogging has been so spotty lately. I just feel like I'm still trying to catch up after Christmas Break. Or something. We've had lots of sicknesses around here and are in the middle of a sick week right now. School schedules have been off lately for various reasons. I've been trying to get the house looking "ours" since the painting was completed, even though the house isn't ours. And of course there's just Life that has its own momentum and doesn't slow down for anything.  Which leads me back to the fact that the majority of my blog posts lately have been in the Requires Two Minutes or Less category. Here's another one.

And I'll just say that in addition to Luke now constructing his own train tracks (and therefore beginning the transition from Demolition Crew to Construction Crew), he's doing lots of other exciting things. But you'll have to wait to hear about them until I can devote more than two minutes to a blog post. Cause I'm already out of time...

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