TBT - Mema & Papa's Story

Since Mema and Papa both sent me some thoughts about how they got together, I thought it would be fun to do this post in a He Said, She Said style.


MEMA: I met Bill when he came to teach in my hometown.  A group of friends and I went skiing during the summer on a nearby lake and someone had invited him to come along.

PAPA: Early on, we rode together to Marianna for rehearsals for the production of Oklahoma.

MEMA: We were in a group that played in the orchestra for the production of Oklahoma at Chipola Junior College, where I was a student.  I was dating someone else at the time but was interested in Bill.  I broke up with the other guy.

PAPA: Although we had met earlier, our first date was riding down to the river in my old jeep with no doors on it.  While we were down there, a downpour came and we both got soaking wet.

MEMA: BIll and I began doing things together like him taking me fishing and tramping through the woods as he hunted quail.  In the summertime we took his little beagle and went to the beach at Alligator Point.  He fished and I sunned.  Sometimes when we didn't have the dog along we would stop by Garcia's Restaurant and order pizza.

PAPA: I guess, the first time I remember that I really liked her was when she rescued several little kittens out of the rain and dried them off.  I thought she must be a very nice person.

MEMA: When I finished Chipola and headed to UF we decided to date other people to make sure of our feelings for each other.  I dated a few times but it didn't feel right.

PAPA: After she went to UF, I really looked forward to her coming home and wished she went to school somewhere closer.  One day we were riding downtown in Tallahassee and I thought it would be nice for us to get married.

MEMA: Soon after, we became engaged.  We were married the following July.


  1. This is really fun! Thanks for sharing. BTW...I am stunned by how much Ben looks like Bill...don't know why I didn't see it before but your babies so resemble Cleo, I just went there. This is a revelation. Cool to put the pieces together in s new way.


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