Cat Lately

Cat's favorite class remains AP Environmental Science, and her hardest class is AP AB Calculus.  In addition to the rigorous academic schedule Cat has at school, she has also been training with the boys' soccer team since January.  She loves getting to practice with the team and manage for them during the games, in spite of frequent bumps and bruises and even a sprained ankle in early March.

This is the third foot/leg injury to befall a woman in our family since
the beginning of February, all of which happened on the left side.
Coincidence, or curse?

Cat loves sitting down and playing whatever strikes her fancy on the piano.  Sometimes it's Broadway musicals, sometimes it's classics, sometimes it's EFY-type LDS compositions, and sometimes it's popular music.  I love that she loves it.  It's also really fun when she plays DJ:  she appreciates just about all modern popular music, pretty much every genre except rap from the last 70 years.

She also enjoys reading substantive books, just for fun.  Some her recent pleasure reading has included Till We Have FacesBeautiful and the Damned, and Wuthering Heights.

On the cosmetic front, Cat got curtain bangs last month.  Of course, they look great on her!

All ready for decades night at the skate rink with the YW -
she was going for 70's.

One night at bedtime, Cat told the younger kids a story from The Conquest of Gaul, by Julius Caeser, which she's been studying in her Latin class.  Luke was particularly into it and even taught his friends at school the next day what a phalanx is, and they did their best to create one.  (A phalanx is an Anciet Roman military formation where soldiers stood very close to each other, side by side, creating a wall with their bodies and their shields.)  For a couple of nights after that, Cat read to Luke from The Conequest of Gaul.

Cat's cute room, all nice and clean - it suits her so well!

(updated photo of her dresser/wall to show the paint-by-number
she finished during Spring Break)

After reading over this post, I asked Cat if there's anything else I should add and she began describing herself thus:
I love fairy tales, dark academia, light academia [decorating schemes], the color green -
dark green; viridian - being outside (sometimes going outside and doing homework or
reading).  I also love art.  Anything from the 19th century is my favorite.
Not specifically art, but also fashion, literature.  Really the Europeans from the 19th century
had it going on.  For the most part.  I'm a romantic in the Jane Austen sense of the word.
Not Victor Hugo.  Victor Hugo is not very realistic.

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