The Chicken Chronicles 7.18.20

Ben went outside for some fresh air during the day and found Eliza and Whit around the small plastic kiddie pool.  Bandit was standing in the pool, in a few inches of water and the kids were keeping him penned in.  Remember how the chickens love raspberries?  Well, Ben found out that the kids were trying to get Bandit to play a game of Bobbing for Berries, but Bandit was more interested in freedom.  Which is why he took the opportunity to run away as soon as Ben talked to the kids and distracted them from their task.

But they do still love raspberries - enough that they would eat them from my hand.

The chickens have also now been seen in the raspberry bushes, no doubt tired of waiting for us to bring them treats and anxious to find their own.

Bandit is showing more typical rooster behavior: investigating approaching humans, pecking at toes, and generally acting in a protective manner.  I also heard him crow before 6am.  Surely, our neighbors have noticed by now...

I laughed when I saw Jack trying to catch Buttercup one day - he was running toward her and she was running away from him so adamantly that she actually ran over Dixie.

The kids want to introduce literally every person who comes to the house to the chickens, including Ben's friend Curt who was helping Ben fix the boat.

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