You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!

We had a pretty eventful Memorial Day weekend.  Some friends invited us to their house for a cookout Saturday evening and we brought a veggie tray and dessert - we went with a sugar cookie pizza which was pretty darn delicious, ifidosaysomyself.  (Recipe here.)

Monday morning we helped a neighbor with some yard work.  Would you be surprised if I told you that the kids' favorite part about the task was getting to use the cart?

That afternoon the kids were playing at another neighbor's house when near-tragedy struck.  The kids were playing with a small BB gun (yes, that would be problem #1) and one of the kids playing there shot the gun, hitting Jack just under his eye.  (This picture was taken the next day.  See the mark just below his right eye?)  It is unclear whether she was shooting at Jack or shooting at the house's brick wall and the BB ricocheted, but the fact remains that it came very very close to going right into his eye.  We were all so very thankful that it didn't.  And also learned a valuable lesson in gun safety.

Jack was upset at first, but we figured it wasn't too serious when he calmed down and played like normal within 20 minutes.  We even met friends at a park in the canyon to grill out that night and he was running around, having a great time.  The sore healed up pretty quickly and there seem to have been no lasting effects.  Yeah!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!! Rick has had numerous patients that have MAJOR damage from BB guns and paint ball guns!! Glad it wasn't more serious!


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