St. Patrick's Day

I went all out on St. Patrick's Day.
I turned the entire house green.
And my family.

Okay, not really.  Actually, St. Patrick's Day was pretty low-key this year.  For breakfast, my kids were absolutely thrilled to get to eat Lucky Charms.  (Sugary cereal!  What's going on?  This must be an important holiday!)  And while we enjoyed our bowls of sugar wholesome processed goodness for breakfast, we talked about what we would wish for if we caught a leprechaun.

Eliza - for a car she can use to drive the baby around
Jack - for a playset in the back yard
Cat - for Daddy to get a job
Mom - for all of us to continue to be blessed with good health
Dad - for lots and lots of money

She still looks cute, even as an evil witch.  Don't you think??

Then we had a normal Sunday, except for our dinner, which starred our traditional St. Patrick's Day dish - green shamrock waffles.  Ben even made green smoothies for everyone this year, but went a little overboard with the berries, so our festive green smoothies were actually purple, haha.

I'm thinking next year will be a bit more exciting on the Day O' Green, but I guess we'll just have to see!

1 comment:

  1. So cute , so cute. I wish I could fulfill all of your wishes!


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