Reading and Role-Play

Some dear friends in Georgia gave us the box set of "Little House" books before they moved to Italy.  I tried to get Cat interested in these books, and she tried on her own once or twice, but she just never took to them.  Then a couple of weeks ago, she needed another chapter book to read during reading time so I said, "just read this for a couple of days and maybe you'll like it." It only took one day.  This time, she was hooked.

She is now reading the second book in the series, and has spent a good bit of time role-playing as a pioneer.  After school last Friday she asked me if we had any pioneer clothes she could wear?  I told her that I didn't have a dress or anything in her size, but that she could try to wear my pioneer skirt.  We got it on her and tried our best to rig it to stay up, then she wore a peasant style top I made her a while ago with a bright pink cowgirl shawl from the dress-up box.  When she played outside with her friends that afternoon, she had them milking cows and feeding chickens, and referred to herself as "Ma."

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it LOVE it LOVE it! What a cute pioneer. She would have been a winner in the 1880's!


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