Preschool Poster

In Jack's preschool class, each child may bring a poster of him or herself to be displayed in the classroom for a week.  The teacher encouraged us to sign up for the week of our child's birthday, but when I went to sign up, Jack's birthday week was already taken.  I later realized that was probably for the best, considering his birthday will be shortly after we have the baby.  So we chose to bring in a poster for him last week.  (Unfortunately, since the other kids have been bringing in their posters around their birthdays, this has caused some confusion as to how soon we will be celebrating Jack's birthday...)

Jack helped me choose the pictures to include, we had them printed, then I cut out the papers one evening.  Together we glued the pictures on to the colored papers and arranged them on the poster.  Then he wrote his name.  Done.

He was SO excited to bring this in to school and even used it as his "Show & Teach" that week.  It is now displayed in a place of honor - on the wall over his bed.  And I admit, it makes me pretty happy when I look at it, too.

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