Jack Breaks a Leg

This is one of my favorite memories from summer!  My friend JoDell and I decided to attend the Orem Library's "Shakespeare for Kids" one afternoon, largely because they were performing the play "The Winter's Tale," which we read in our book club last year.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but we arrived in time to hear the rules: all kids ages 5 and up were invited to participate, younger kids could watch or could attend a story time in a different part of the library geared toward younger kids, and participants must speak clearly.  That was about it.  Well, wouldn't you know that when they started asking for volunteers, Jack's hand shot up.  And no, he's not yet 5.  I was sitting in the back of the room with the other adults, and was too far away to tell him to put his hand down.  And as I was processing this, he was chosen.  First.  To play the part of the lead, King Leontes.  Whoa!  He's not the best enunciator, so I braced myself for a less-than-stellar theatrical debut and pulled out my camera.  Thank goodness I happened to have it right beside me.  (I'm pretty sure I made a video or two also, but can't seem to find them, probably thanks to all of the computer shuffling I've done in the last few months.  Ughh.)

First one chosen.

Getting into character.

Hanging out with Polixenes, King of Bohemia.

The leaders, from BYU's Young Company, merely prompted the kids with their lines by whispering in their ears, then holding the mic up for the kids to repeat.  They used simple, modern language but stayed true to the plot.

"I know that you're in love with Polixenes.  You and your servants have to go to jail."

Caught.  On stage.
"This statue is so beautiful, I think it could really be Hermione."

"Hermione is alive!  I'm so happy!"

Rushing off of the stage after a job well done.

I was so proud of Jack.  He didn't get shy or nervous, and this was his first time attending this type of activity!  He'd never seen anything like it before.  He followed directions very well and stayed attentive when he was off-stage.  He didn't speak as clearly as many of the older kids, but he still did better than I anticipated.  Way to go, Big Guy.  Perhaps we have a future thespian in the family?


  1. This made me so so happy!!!! He is so awesome!! Love the pic with his hand in his pants :) Try hard to find the video!!!

  2. Wow! Way to go Jack!! The King is in that little body:)


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