Daisies 2012 Round-Up

Last of the summer posts!  About time, right?

First off was the Girl Scouts of Utah's big celebration for the 100th Birthday of Girl Scouts -
a big rally at the state capitol, complete with remarks by the Governor.  The video below does a good job of giving you an idea of what it was like, I think... cause I wasn't actually there.  The thought of bringing Jack and Eliza to a crowded event geared toward older kids and adolescents wasn't very appealing to me.  But I happily watched the children of our troop leader, Joy, so that she could bring three girls from our troop.

Outside the capitol
Inside the Capitol
And outside the capitol again
Too bad that none of our girls had uniforms yet (they used cookie money to buy them soon after this).

Cookie Booth outside of a grocery store....
until the store manager had mercy on us and let us move the booth inside.
Making flowers for Mother's Day.  We cut apart cardboard egg cartons, cut and painted them with water color paints,
then hot glued each flower to a wooden skewer.

A big summer activity helped the girls learn about managing money.  First, we talked about wants versus needs, and how it's also important to find ways to help others, whether you are donating money or giving your time or something else.  Then we walked around the Riverwoods Farmer's Market and gave the girls $10 each (out of troop money) to buy dinner, then something that they want, and also donate to a charity of some kind.  The girls did a great job of keeping track of their money, and all had enough for dinner (YUMMY waffles from a waffle truck) and a fun little something (this Farmer's Market is more crafts and goods than produce), and then donate to a juvenile diabetes fundraising booth.  We also made sure they had time to play in the splash pad before we were finished.

The last big summer activity was visiting the local animal shelter.  It was a good experience for the kids, and we all learned a lot - including me.

These are just the few activities where I actually took pictures, so there were many more, but Cat enjoyed them all.  I was the assistant troop leader, reluctantly, and really enjoyed being part of one of Cat's activities. But, as I predicted, it was a stressor I would have rather avoided.

And she was adamant about continuing with Girl Scouts this year, but now she's a Brownie.  Exciting!  Someone else has volunteered to be the assistant troop leader, though, so I'm off the hook this year.  :-)


  1. Thank you Brett! Thanks for going the extra mile this summer!

  2. man, girl, what a trooper! I couldn't resist. :) :)


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