Everyday Stuff, Part I

We were kind of in vacation mode for the first few weeks we were in Utah, so I feel like all I've posted about are special family outings and things.  There have been a lot of fun everyday things happening too that are worth some attention.  So here's a random smattering of photos for your CJE viewing pleasure.

Taking full advantage of a lazy summer morning.

This is the little playground that was across the parking lot from our apartment.
Eliza climbed up here all by herself and loved hanging out.

No explanation needed.

Hiding under a towel after her bath, or under a blanket any time of day, is still one of Cat's favorite things to do.  It's not uncommon for me to walk by an awkwardly shaped bundle of blanket on the couch and hear it call out to me, "Sit on the comfy cushion!"  She loves it.

Black beans!

While we were in our apartment, Eliza was just sleeping in a portacrib.  That is, until a couple of days before we moved and she started crawling out.  By that point her room was completely empty except for her bed, so I just put her mattress on the bed and closed the door at nap time.  Guess what?  She worked it out.

Apparently we really wore her out on moving day.

Moving day reward: eating at Cafe Rio for the first time.

E's car seat faces.

I started actually doing E's hair last month.  Cat decided she liked doing E's hair too.
Guess which one is Cat's work.

To be continued...

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1 comment:

  1. Sheer awesomeness! Especially Cat's masterpiece at the end!


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