1st Days of School

While we were living at the apartment we marked the beginning of two school years: Ben's and Cat's.

Here are a couple of pictures from Ben's first day at the BYU MBA Program.  It was just orientation, but it really felt like the beginning of the semester.  Doesn't he look so.... business-like?

After he got acclimated to MBA student life, he took us on a little tour of the MBA student world, aka the western wing of the Tanner Building.  Here Jack and Ben are playing foosball in the MBA student lounge.  They also had a big TV in the lounge with several gaming systems hooked up.  Not bad, huh?

And here are Jack and Eliza exploring the lecture hall where all of Ben's classes are held.
Maybe they'll be students there one too one day?

The following week, Cat had her first day of 1st Grade.  I managed to get a few decent pictures of her before we left the apartment...

but by the time we were in the car she didn't want me to take any more pictures.

She was nice enough to fake a smile one more time just for Mommy.

Walking up to the school...

and here she is walking to my car after school.

Doesn't she look confident?  Cool as a cucumber?
I could tell the day had gone well.

I wanted to do a little decorating to help Cat celebrate her first day of school, so I just printed out some signs and taped them up along the stairwell to our apartment.

And then we had strawberry ice cream for dessert that night.

 Sorry so many pictures, but I had to share this last one too.
The week after Cat started school, we moved out of our apartment and into the house we'll be living in for the rest of the school year.  That means we were within biking distance, and Cat LOVED getting to ride her bike to school.  How cute is that?


  1. Thats so great that Ben has an air hockey table! Wait... Foosball and air hockey are the same thing, right??? :)

    Personally, I love the pic of Cat riding her bike to school! I think it's so cute!


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