
Behold, the Official 2010 Christmas Picture!

And here are a few of the ones we took in the process of getting the official one...
Because, guess what, our kids aren't perfect. Even when we're documenting them.
But you already knew that, didn't you?

The bedtime story with C & J on Christmas Eve: Little Red Riding Hood. Good one, right? Yes, a wolf trying to eat a little girl who is delivering cookies to her grandmother is the perfect choice of Christmas Eve reading material.
But they enjoyed it, and they went to sleep, so that's what matters. :-)

Christmas Morning: Stockings!

Eliza wondered what all the excitement was about.
Cat helpfully emptied the contents of Eliza's stockings for her. (She also emptied Jack's for him, when he became preoccupied with one toy that was at the top.)

Eliza opening her first Christmas present.

It was a jacket from Mema. Cat was just as excited as Eliza!

Grammy gave Jack a rocking horse, which is really cool. But he was scared of it for a few days and didn't want to ride on it. You can kind of tell here. What a cutie!

Cat beat Ben in their inaugural round of her new game, "Pretty Pretty Princess." But I think I was the real winner, because check out the picture I got! What a good Daddy.

Santa brought Cat some nail polish, and I let her paint nails for the first time. Not just her nails, but mine too. A few days later, Ben said to me, "it looks like a kindergartener painted your nails." But I think she did a pretty good job.
(The big toes have red with clear glitter all around them. She was being creative.)

Because I was so crazy in December (I mean, certifiable) we didn't really do any Christmas crafts. So on Christmas afternoon while Ben did some work, I decorated some ornaments with the kids. C & J colored theirs while I attempted to get E's handprint on a bigger one.

All in all, it was a great Christmas. We hope you had a good one too!


  1. Ben is a MUCH nicer daddy than Rick. Ashlyn got the same game for her birthday last year (a game every single little girl needs I think!)and Rick has yet to play it with her. The first time she asked..."Umm Ashlyn, Heavenly Father doesn't like it when boys dress up like girls." I told him that I highly doubted He would think of it as cross dressing, rather spending quality time with his daughter...didn't work though. Way to go Ben, ya get the Father of the Year Award for sure!!

  2. Ben in these pictures is hilarious! I remember playing Pretty Pretty Princess many, many times. I love ben with the kids on his back in the family Christmas pictures. Hilarious! Your baby is really 10 months old? When did that happen? Time is certainly flying. Happy 2011.

  3. Thanks so much for posting these. Makes me feel as though I was there with you:) Love to all!

  4. How fun!!! And you were not certifiably crazy! There was just way too much going on. Tis the season :) Plus, it would be your first Christmas ever as a mom of three, so go easy on yourself :) you did great! I think you captured my favorite part of Christmas: having a perfect excuse to play with my kids' toys for days on end.

    And Nicole - I laughed out loud at your comment. That's awesome!!

  5. 1: You should have chosen the first picture on the left for the cards. It is awesome!
    2. LOVE Jack's pjs.
    3. Haha.. Ben is wearing his gorilla shirt behind all the jewelry!
    4: Cat really has you guys around her finger to get daddy to wear jewelry and mommy to paint her toes! What great parents!

  6. LOVE the picture of Pretty Pretty Princess Ben. It takes a man secure in his masculinity to get BEAT like that by a little girl.

    Also, that's the same rocking horse we have! The Boy was totally freaked out by his too for a while, he would just go up and pat it and then say, "Pat-Pat horsie."

    See you next week!


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