Christmas Preparations

I wasn't really ready for Christmas when it came time to get ready for Christmas. I was a little slow getting things done. But, lucky for us, Cat was VERY EAGER for our Christmas celebration to begin. Ben pacified her one night by bringing the Christmas decorations down from the attic. I thought that should keep her happy for a few days, but I was mistaken. Evidently, she was so ready for Christmas to come that one evening while I was gone to a meeting, she convinced Ben that they should begin decorating the tree. I was a bit hurt when I heard that they'd done it without me, until I saw what they'd done:

Ben took the tree out of the box (no real tree for our family, yet...) and put it together, without "fluffing" anything. And they put one ornament on each. Okay. I can live with that.

The next chance we had to decorate the tree together was a few days later. Cat was gung-ho and we finished pretty quickly. Our tree is mostly decorated with homemade ornaments, which, much to my surprise, I love. I'm looking forward to adding a lot more of these. And the cool thing about having so many is that if a few of them break through the years, it's not such a big deal, right? (Notice that even Ben and I have some ornaments from when we were kids with our pictures on them. I'm so glad we have these!)

Jack helped put a few ornaments on. He made up for it later in the month by taking lots of ornaments off the tree, though.

Eliza was the ornament inspector.

Our Christmas celebration has finally begun!

Later that day, the kids got to play with their Little People Christmas story set for the first time.

Jack's favorite things were the camels. He lined them up on the rug.

And he lined them up on top of the wise men's tents.

Then he decided the sheep was getting a little rowdy and needed to be detained.

Eliza enjoyed the new toys too, but in a different way.


  1. Cute! I've never seen the whole Christmas story set before.

    I wish we had tents!!


  2. So great. Made up for us not being together! Thanks ever so much!

  3. I love handmade ornaments, too. It gives such a nice feeling to the tree. And ditto - I didn't know that set came with so many cool pieces! My mom in laws just has the folks in the manger scene.

  4. I love the Little People Set and wish they had it when Blake was a little guy. I saw your comment on our blog about the X-Men's out on Jeykll at the main part of the beach just down from the park/golf course. Ya CAN'T miss it! Watch out that ya don't get in trouble with the security guards! :)


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