9 months old!

I think with every child I've had, 9 months has been a significant milestone for me, because it's when your baby reaches the point of being alive outside of the womb longer than he/she was inside. It's so interesting how it feels like Eliza has always been a part of our family. Has it really only been 9 months?? And at the same time, the 9 (or so) months I was pregnant with her felt like they dragged on forever. Funny, huh?

We realized that we can start playing with her hair a little. Especially after bathtime.

So, this month, Eliza officially became the 3rd Mischief Maker in the family. I introduced her to my stash of random plastic containers, which I'm pretty sure she enjoyed.

She found this cabinet of plastic (Tupperware-type) items on her own.
I'm not sure which cabinet she likes better.

Another shot of my kitchen helper.
I think she grabbed this little item from the dishwasher as I was trying to unload it:

This is one of Eliza's favorite hangout spots. It makes me so nervous that she likes to stand right there! Kind of precarious, don't you think? But there have been several times when I know she's crawled off somewhere and I go looking for her and find her in here.

She has started smiling for the camera. Atta girl!

Other notable developments this month: her third tooth started coming in, she DANCED for the first time (when Jack played some music on one of Cat's My Little Pony toys), and she tried Cheerios for the first time.


  1. That photo of a baby girl in purple/ white sweater isn't EJ, it's Cat. You really should know better.


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