She's Been Busy

1. Writing and Illustrating

Cat was really into drawing and coloring in the weeks before school started. (I think mostly because I recently added a dresser I made-over to our dining room and dedicated an entire drawer to her coloring supplies.) Anyway, she drew a few pictures of some aliens and told me this whole story about them. So I suggested she draw some more pictures and I would write down the story and we could make a poster or a book or something. I used an 8x8 scrapbook I picked up at Target on clearance forever ago and typed the story up by page as she directed. Here is the story. My favorite part is the ending when vegetarians come down from space. Where does she come up with this stuff?


One day, an alien princess rode into town on a Thursday.

And then, two people came, and they saw the pretty alien and they put the alien in her own house.

Then, the first morning when she woke up, the alien princess saw the blue beautiful sky, and then she saw the sun, and she saw a beautiful rose in her garden, and dirt below it, and petals of leaves falling down. The butterflies were squatting around and playing catch around the rose. And one or two butterflies landed on her pinky. And she brought them in, in her house, and then

She baked cookies for her and her little friends.

And then she drew a picture.

And then her sisters came over, and they said, “We want a cookie, too.” And then they said, “The rest of our sisters are coming too.”

And they were right; the two other sisters came. One of the sisters were confused. The other was dirty.

And then the other sisters came. Two were muddy again. The other one was not muddy.

And then a huge enormous storm came and they all had to stay inside.

And the storm stayed for two hundred and ninety-nine weeks. And then a whole family came inside. And they said, “Our little baby blew away. We were all strong, but our baby wasn’t.”

And then vegetarians came down from space and then one of the vegetarians had an alien baby and the mama alien wanted the baby alien ‘cause she lost her baby and that was her baby. And the other vegetarian from space had a person baby, and that was the person’s baby.


2. Decorating

In celebration of our bathroom re-do, Cat felt that some wall decoration was in order. I thought some extra color and original art would be nice for a while, since our halls are still bare from when we painted them back in, umm... January. It was also fun to use the banner paper Pops gave us. I don't know why she wanted me to write those words on the banner instead of something about the bathroom, but it's not up to me. I just do what I'm told.

This picture really doesn't do the decorating job justice, though. She also put pictures up on the wall in our living room, our bedroom door, and Cat's bedroom door. She goes all out.

3. Starting Kindergarten

Cat was very ready to go back to school and after her open-house the night before she was complaining that she wasn't in school already. As in on the ride home at 7pm. She was embarrassed last year that I insisted on taking a picture of her at the school, so this year I let her choose if she wanted a picture at the school or at home. She chose at home. So here she is outside of our front door. I was honored that she chose to wear a dress I made (read: refashioned) for her. Atta girl!

I saw on the idea to make a cookie cake for your child after the first day of school and thought it was a fun and simple tradition to start. You know I love a good tradition! Unfortunately, Ben didn't get home until late the night of Cat's first day of school, so we enjoyed her treat as a family on the second day of school. No worries, though. It was still fun and still very yummy!

4. Reading Good Books

I am so excited about this one. It took a friend of mine to talk some sense into me when I told her about the dumb books I'd been reading with Cat. DUH. I should be reading good books. Of course. Why didn't I think of that? So now my favorite part of the day is getting to lay down with her and read a few pages of a good book that is well-written and interesting. I created a new Goodreads bookshelf for the books we've been reading and added a little widget to my sidebar because I'm so excited about it. She doesn't understand everything about the books yet, but she is enjoying it as much as I am. (I am always disappointed when I'm out late at a meeting or something and I come home and find out that Ben read one of our books with Cat. Then I try to get him to tell me what I missed and it really isn't the same.)

5. Getting a Boyfriend

In the car on the way home from school, week #2.
"Sutton is my boyfriend."
"Sutton is my boyfriend"
"Sutton is my BOYFRIEND!"
"Oh. Um. Okay. I think you might be a little young to have a boyfriend."
"No I'm not! I love him! And we're going to get married and we're going to have babies."
"Oh. Why is he your boyfriend?"
"Because I cheered for him and he said if a girl cheered for him that made her his girlfriend."

Okay. That made me feel a little better. And, thank goodness, she hasn't mentioned him since. Easy come, easy go.


  1. I think her story is an homage to all the princess movies she doesn't even watch. I read some Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, and Cinderella in there... Plus some Aunt Suz :)


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