6 months old!

Eliza turned 6 months old a couple weeks ago... I'm only a little late... I guess it's fitting considering I'm late with everything else in my life as well. :-)

She started crawling a little more, but as of the big 6-month mark, she still didn't realize the potential she had to get herself around. I kept waiting for that day when I would put her down somewhere and come back to find her somewhere else. It's coming!

During our trip to N. Georgia, we discovered that Eliza prefers not to be in the car for long stretches of time. She screamed for about half of the 6-hour drive. (Yep, our fine state is that big.)

And, she definitely loves to pull hair, or skin...

I know I've been saying this for 6 months now... but where has the time gone??? It's incredible that her first year is halfway over. I feel like I'm too busy to really enjoy her, but I'm doing my darndest. Happy Half-Birthday, E!


  1. LOVE that picture of Ben. Something to look forward to seeing for myself :)

  2. she is adorable. i love those big blue eyes. can't wait to meet you eliza!!!


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