Post-Christmas Snow Storm in Southeast Georgia

The day after Christmas, Ben's brother John brought his family up to our house to hang out for a few hours. As a surprise for everyone, my sister-in-law, Sarah, wrapped a box of tissues for each cousin to open, and then use as snowballs!

5 boxes x 200 tissues = LOTS of fun
(and LOTS of fluff that we were all coughing up for a little while. But totally worth it!)

Cat's first snow angel:

Cousin love!

Jack's Tribute to Kevin Mallone (yep, he did it himself, but he needed a little help walking):

(For any non-Office viewers out there, you won't regret watching this video. You'll see the Kleenex Box Shoes around 0:55.)

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! Go Sarah- that is such a great idea! If only I'd thought of that before dragging Ben the Wonderful away for 2.5 days three hours away in a car that doesn't work too well just to see snow that wasn't even fluffy enough to make snowballs or snow angels and where he had to teach me to snowboard instead of really enjoying himself :) But hey... we learn from our mistakes. GO KEVIN!


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