Luvin the Toddlerhood

That's at least 30 yards of wired Christmas ribbon. And it provided TONS of fun!

Lesson learned: do NOT attempt to put this away immediately after the toddler makes a mess. Most likely, it has not provided its maximum capacity for fun until after a few days. By the time I did clean this up, Jack wasn't really interested in it anymore, and it was much easier than when I initially tried to clean it up and he kept pulling on the ribbon and fussing.

1 comment:

  1. Good point. I never thought of that. My lesson learned (and you're smart than me, and I'm sure already know this) do not - under any circumstances - let toddlers play with thread. No matter how completely entertained it keeps them, and how fabulously undisturbed you are able to sew while they frolick around the house flinging thread in their wake. Sure, you think you'll be able to unravel and untie and unknot it all and restore it back to its pristine condition, but alas, five minutes into cleaning up the mess and you'll have your scissors and trash bag out to preserve your sanity. Good thing it was old thread anyway.


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