New Shirts AND...

What do you think of the new shirts? (No, I haven't finished them yet... maybe I'll do the stitching around the edges one of these days.) Anyway, Jack is very excited about becoming a big brother... in March! (Cat doesn't know yet that she'll be big sister to another little one, so please don't mention it to her. I'm afraid she'll get her hopes up for a sister and then, of course, we'd have another boy. So we'll tell her when we know the sex.)

I've been feeling pretty good, thankfully, and I had my first OB appointment today and everything checked out. We are looking forward to all the new adventures that Peanut #3 will bring!


  1. Yeah! Am so glad everything checked out well and that you are feeling pretty good too! WE are looking forward to this new little one and can hardly wait.

  2. Congrats. I am so glad that you are all doing well. I am excited to see what peanut #3 brings as well. Love you guys, and warmest wishes for a great pregnany.

  3. dang, i wish i was as fertile as you. congrats!!! i hope you have a great pregnancy and ill hope its a girl, for cat's sake!!!

  4. Congrats my friend!!! I am so excited for you!!! Michael and I were so happy to read this good news on your blog. The funny thing is I haven't been on your blog in a while and by chance got a moment to look at it and here you are making a big announcement! And wow another boy! we wish you all the luck!

  5. Congratulations!!!! And the shirts are adorable!! You go girl :)

  6. Good luck keeping it a secret from Cat! I can't believe she didn't put two and two together with the shirts. :)

  7. wow! congrats, you brave, brave woman!


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