The Bowling Alley Adventure

Cat was invited to her friend Justin's birthday party at the bowling alley on Saturday. Justin is a friend Cat went to preschool with the last two years, and even though we haven't seen him since school finished last year, he still calls Cat his "guhlfwend."

This was Cat's first time at the bowling alley, and she was scared at first because the lights were out for cosmic bowling when we arrived. It took her a while to decide it was okay to put on the bowling shoes and try the bowling out. Justin showed her how to push the ball down the guide thingy, and for a while he would just keep bringing her a ball, put it on the guide, and let her push it down. Nobody else was using that lane, so they just did that for about 15 minutes. Finally, Cat decided she could get her own ball and carry it over to the guide. She ended up having a great time-- I guess it's time for a family trip to the bowling alley!

Jack had a lot of fun, especially once he discovered the arcade. He kept walking away from the party room when we were eating cake and pizza, so that he could play the video games.

1 comment:

  1. What an adventure! If all the world could be like good little kids, what a wonderful place it would be. It sounds like Justin is a great friend to Cat and her to him. Friends are a treasure!

    Jack is just growing up on us isn't he.


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