The Big Top

Ever heard of the Cole Brothers' Circus? No? Well, I'm not surprised. But we were excited to go see this little circus (in the Big Top!) on March 26th. Catherine and Jack both loved it, although Cat didn't try to hide the fact that the clowns scare the bejeezes out of her. It was great to see how impressed Cat was with all of the typical circus acts.. tight-rope walking, juggling while balanced on your head, and the motorcycle globe of death. But her very favorite act was this one... where the performers perform a whole routine while hanging from their hair. She thought the animals were really cool, too, and on the way home she told me that when she grows up she wants to ride elephants and cook dinner for them.


  1. Tell Cat that clowns STILL scare me. Baggy clothes? Crazy makeup? Weird expressions? It's all a little too Gotham City for me.

  2. Cat was curious why you don't like clowns, and when I told she said she doesn't like them for the same reasons. :-)


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